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March 2018 Google Algorithm Update

March 2018 Google Algorithm Update

On March 12, 2018, the Google SearchLiaison Twitter account confirmed that they implemented a “broad core algorithm update” last week. In their announcement, they explained that some sites may experience fluctuations in page positions due to the updated ranking model that now benefits “pages that were previously under-rewarded.”

Google does this kind of broad update a few times a year and there is no magic “fix” if you notice your position in the SERPs dip in relation to the update. However, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do. If you focus on developing the quality of your content, structure, and user experience of your website, you may be able to rise back through the ranks.

Radd Interactive’s team of SEO experts follows Google’s algorithm updates closely to keep our clients ahead of the curve. Contact us today to learn more about SEO and PPC marketing.

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