Penguin, Panda, Pigeon, Hummingbird: What’s It All Mean?
To hear an SEO specialist talk about Google, you’d think that the whole search landscape was actually some sort of crazy animal kingdom. Even people…
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Google Pirate 2.0 Algorithm Update And The Torrent Decrease
Google has long been criticized for not responding to online piracy in a truly useful manner, but its latest version of the Pirate algorithm update…
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Understanding Hummingbird: An Inside Peek At The Google Algorithm
In late 2013, Google changed the way it understands and responds to search queries with its innovative Hummingbird algorithm update. How does the system affect…
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Penguin’s Latest Update? It might be ongoing
Anyone who experienced last year’s slow rollout of the Penguin 3.0 refresh knows that Google’s timing can be somewhat unclear. So when the SEO community…
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Panda 4.1 is Live: Here’s what you need to know
The latest version of Google’s Panda algorithm rolled out late last year — its 27th update since launching in early 2011 — and we’ve been…
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